Saturday 20 August 2011

Theory of Relativity - Emotions

My greeting goes to all my friends and readers who all will come across this and read this. I am totally naive to this blog writing but my constant thought process was not finding any outlet and i decided to write. As i said its my thought process hence i might not be right and so I would like to have comments from all of you and would like to correct myself and grow as a human being. I would like to stress on an old proverb: Knowledge increases on sharing.

Few years back, while in my usual thought process trying to understand in general human mind and emotions and what drives them - I discovered that Human emotions like Eienstien's theory of relativity (those who have studied science must be knowing this) are relative.

The emotions from love to hatred to jealousy to joy to any other emotion, arise in human being with respect to other human beings.

If u see somebody more successful, you would also wish to be like him/her.
If u love someone - you love somebody else (again relative - with respect to other)
you love urself as well but that is again when you find yourself better than others (people generally in your area of contact). You tend to dislike yourself and go into depression when you think or feel that you are worth nothing or nobody loves you which is again a relative emotion.

But only recently, I got corrected by one of my colleague that although emotions are relative but they are just not relative with respect to other human being but anything. One might be all alone on an island still there will be certain emotions like happiness with respect to beauty of the nature. Like when it rains we become happy, or we enjoy the peacefulness of the mountains and waves of the sea.

The next immediate thought that comes to mind is: Are all these emotions with respect to so many human beings we are associated in life, worth giving importance? if yes, how much? And who draws the line?