Wednesday 12 September 2012

Identity Crisis

Hello Readers !

There comes a phase in life, may be very short lived, where we face identity crisis for ourselves and for our relations as well.
From start of life till end we come across so many people besides our blood relations. Few of them we call friends, few others acquaintance and still few others hold special place in our heart.

College and School days - a phase of life when friends are very important to us, they do everything for us and we also feel but when it comes to giving priority - it would always be relative. Blood becomes thicker, identity of relations become stronger.To an extent its understandable, given the current situation, the level of cheating, using, dumping, even trusting friends completely is difficult but then there is something called instinct and if that instinct fails - its ok, that is life, learning. Its all right to fail.

Probably irrational but happens

Different human beings have deiffernt identity and passion and interests and they are attached to different people and things at different levels.

There might also be cases like, I might be very passionate for somebody but that somebody might not be and hence differences crop up, we try to evaluate and relationship dies or probbaly it never existed.

We dont leave our parents at early age or say childhood and neither clashes happen, we dont understand identity and all. We tend to drift away from them when clashes happen in our point of views - identity crisis........we look for our identity. We don't want to be guided at every point or decisions to be taken on our behalf

Is any body wrong here??????????????????

When you talk to people, not everybody can understand what all is in your mind and that is when we say we click with some people and we dont click with others. If the other party doesnot get on the same wavelength, it results in disappointment/irritation.

In general people are highly judgemental and conclusive. At every point, for every action we try to judge people.We immediately form opinions about people dividing them into good and bad and also based on our observations and these opinion drives our behavior towards other people.

Life is too short, but still we are stuck with our notions. instead of giving smile to other person, we ill treat them for no reason at all but because we formed certain opinion.

Principles , etiquette, empathy, understanding, morality, listening ability etc make us good or bad and that again depends on the point of view of the other person. A so called good person is also not good for all and a so called bad person is not bad for all.

Few people live life based on emotions probably people who love literature an few people are high on rational level and things happening in life with respect to other people are like passe to them.

What is more important - sustainability/survival or freedom of expression/emotions.

Why this divide of apna-paraya exists? why just we cant be good to people who are good to us. Why we are always in a state of confusion, evaluation? why